The Lebanese Army Commander in Chief General Joseph Aoun inspects the 11th Infantry Brigade HQ

Friday, 18 February 2022

The Lebanese Army Commander in Chief General Joseph Aoun inspected this morning the 11th Infantry Brigade HQ in Al-Nakkash. He met with the officers and soldiers and was briefed on their conditions, then listened to a briefing from the brigade commander on its missions to maintain security in the sector of responsibility. General Aoun praised the discipline of the brigade's troops, their high morals and the efficiency they showed while conducting their missions, especially during the public protests in 2019 and in the wake of the spread of the Corona pandemic, the explosion of the port of Beirut and the events of Tayouneh, considering that these efforts saved Lebanon. He added: "Our duty is to preserve our country and our people because sacrifice for the sake of Lebanon is our motto. We will not surrender because our surrender means leaving the country victim to terrorism, gangs, militias and drugs. If another army faced the challenges you overcame in the last two years it would have prone to collapse, but you continue to assume your responsibilities. This is due to your faith in Lebanon and the love and trust of your people towards you.” General Aoun stressed that Army Command is exerting all its energy to ease the economic burdens on the military and to broaden medical care and joint transportation, in addition to coordinating with the United Nations and countries friends of the army to obtain aid. He concluded by calling on the military to be more steadfast because the homeland deserves every sacrifice from them.