The Armed Forces Commander visited the headquarters of the Red Cross and inspected Mount Lebanon region and Fouad Chehab academy for command and staff
The Armed Forces Commander General Joseph Aoun visited this morning the headquarters of the Red Cross in Qontari – Beirut where he met with the president of the Red Cross Dr. Antoine Zoughbi and General Secretary Mr.Georges Kettani. General Aoun donated bloodin support of the slogan "partners in blood" that was launched by the LAF. General Aoun also commended the courage of the members of the Red Cross who take risks unconditionally for the sake of their humanitarian and social message. Moreover, General confirmed the command’s commitment to facilitate blood donation operations through LAF posts deployed in different regions. In this frame, Dr. Antoine Zoughbi delivered a speech in which he expressed the pride of the Red Cross in General Aoun’s visit and his initiative of donating blood and stated that the LAF and the Red Cross share the values of Honor, Sacrifice and Loyalty in order to preserve the nation’s dignity.
(what Dr. Zoughbi and General Aoun said in audio)
The Speech of the president of the Lebanese Red Cross Dr. Antoine el Zoughbi (PDF)
The Speech of the Armed Forces Commander General Joseph Aoun (PDF)
Furthermore, General Aoun inspected the headquarters of Mount Lebanon and toured its divisions and was informed of its missions and activities, then continued his tour to Fouad Chehab Academy for Command and Staff where he attended along with the Chief of Staff Major General P.S.C Hatem Mallak and member of the military council Major General P.S.C George Chreim the execution of a combat maneuver using the tactical simulator Janus.