Arrests in el-Mgheiri – Byblos

Tuesday, 03 March 2020

The Army Command – Directorate of Orientation issued the following statement:

The Intelligence Directorate arrested in el-Mgheiri – Byblos (H.H) for the crime of committing robberies that targeted pharmacies and stores in Bi’ir el-Abed and el-Ghbeiri. The Intelligence Directorate also arrested during this operation the citizens (M.H), (A.Z), (Z.K) and (Z.B) as well as the Palestinian national (M.S) for attempting to assist (H.H) in fleeing the country. The suspects were additionally arrested for the crimes of arms dealing and possession, drug use and drug traffic, lacking identification cards, opening fire in public in different locations and on different occasions. Cellular phones, radios, electronic devices, weapons, hand grenades and ammunition were seized during the operation in addition to a motorcycle and a sum of cash money.

Investigation is in process under the supervision of the judiciary authorities.