Funeral of the recruit with extended services Abdul Salam Muhammed Sharaf

Friday, 14 June 2024

The LAF Command and the people of the town of Barja bid farewell to the Martyr recruit with extended services Abdul Salam Muhammed Sharaf, who was martyred on 13/6/2024.
The funeral started from the Central Military Hospital, where the necessary ceremony was held, and the martyr was awarded the War Medals, the Wounded Medal, and the Bronze Military Appreciation Medal. The body was then transported to his hometown of Barja, and then to the Al Khachekji Mosque in Beirut, where the eulogy was held in the presence of the representative of the Minister of National Defense, Maurice Slim, and the LAF Commander, General Joseph Aoun.
In his speech, he said: "In our meeting to bid farewell to the Martyr recruit with extended services Abdul Salam Sharaf, words betray us and remain powerless and inadequate to express the magnitude of the loss. But this day also embodies the great sacrifice made by the martyr while he was performing his national duty with all steadfastness and determination."