The graduation ceremony of a training course in Raas Masqa with the presence of the Armed Forces Commander in Charge and a tour in the 10th Infantry Brigade

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

The graduation ceremony of a training course and the distribution of certificates to several soldiers ‎was held in Raas Masqa in the training center of the 1st Intervention Regiment, having successfully  completed a  training course under the supervision of a US training team. The ceremony was attended by the Armed Forces Commander in Charge ‎Major General P.S.C Hatem Mallak and several officers and included a live fire drill. Major General Mallak delivered a speech on the occasion in which he commended the competence of the graduates and the efforts of trainers, stressing the “importance of this course in boosting combat skills and in enhancing the role of the military institution that is exemplary for all Lebanese at a time where dangers still threaten our beloved country from the Israeli enemy that is carrying on with its savage crimes and seizing the opportunity to satisfy its greeds in our land and sea. Threats are also emanating from terrorism and its destructive schemes. It all confirms the importance of our hopes in you. We are sure of your exceptional capabilities and high morale as well as your preparedness to offer the most ultimate of sacrifices.”
In the end, Major General Mallak congratulated the graduates and called upon them to be highly professional and vigilant.
Afterwards, Major General Mallak visited the training center of martyr Ranger Major Bassam Jerji, related to the 10th Infantry Brigade in Terbol, toured its workshops and attended a training maneuver then moved to the Brigade headquarters in Kfarshakhna where he met with offices and soldiers. During his visit, Major General Mallak commended their efforts and provided them with the necessary directives and also commended the important achievements of the LAF while stressing the importance of constant training and total preparedness in the face of challenges.