National Defense Magazine - Writer's Guideline

  • The Lebanese National Defense Journal, a quarterly published in Arabic, English, and French, provides insightful, expert, and intellectual studies on military trends and cultural and strategic features.
  • Submitted articles should not be previously published or submitted for publishing elsewhere.
  • All submissions must be original work based on facts or scientific theories and empirically accurate. Informations mentioned in the article must also be supported by references. Submissions should be accompanied with a brief author’s CV, including a list of previous published work, and summary of the article in either English or French.
  • All submissions will be evaluated by an editorial committee that would advise whether the articles will be published or rejected.
  • The Journal will inform writers within two months if submission will be published. The editors reserve the right to publish accepted articles in any upcoming issue they deem appropriate. The editor will inform writers of any significant changes that the committee has recommended.
  • All articles should be electronically submitted on a word document and size of the articles should be between 6000 and 6500 words.
  • The Journal considers all published materials to reflect the opinion of the author and doesn’t necessarily reflect the opinion of the Lebanese army.
  • The Journal hold all copyrights on published materials and republication or redistribution of content is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Journal.